Окрадена Земля - це зображення одного з найбільших злочинів в европейській історії 20-го століття, коли штучно створеним в підсовєтській Україні великим голодом 1932-1933 року, арештами, засланням й ліквідацією української еліти, здесятковано українську націю та знищено важливі пам'ятки української минувшини. Час: 1 год. 15 хв. Кіно Афіша
Береза Картузька - це одногодинний документальний фільм про відомий своїми знущанням польський концентраційний табір між 1934 і 1939 р. Тут були ув’язнені тисячі українських патріотів. У канаді й Америці проживало багато українців, колишніх в’язнів цієї польської тюрми суворого режиму. Фільм насвітлює політичну ситуацію на західньоукраїнських землях, що знайшлися під польською окупацією між Першою і Другою світовою війною. Режисер - Юрій Луговий Диктор - Богдан Бенюк Музик - Роман Луговий Promo:
Ukrainians in Quebec - Portrays the Ukrainian settlement in Quebec, Canada from 1891 to 1945. By means of rare salvaged photographs and personal accounts, the film depicts the formative years of the first two waves of Ukrainian immigration in Quebec. Including the unjust internment in Spirit Lake in Northern Quebec. Duration: 29 Minutes
« Les Ukrainiens du Québec » raconte l’histoire de l’établissement des Ukrainiens au Québec, Canada à partir de 1891 jusqu’en 1945. À l’aide d’entrevues personnelles et de rares photographies, le film dépeint les deux premières vagues d’immigration d’Ukrainiens au Québec. Les pionniers de la première vague ont dû faire face à un internement injuste à Spirit Lake, au nord du Québec, durant la Première Guerre Mondiale. La seconde vague d’immigration eut lieu entre les deux guerres. Plusieurs immigrants s’installèrent dans la nouvelle colonie Sheptytsky, située près du lac Castagnier dans la région de l’Abitibi, dans le nord du Québec. Producteurs: Yurij Luhovy, Zorianna Hrycenko Traduction: Serge Denko
This film presents an instructional workshop on the art of baking and decorating a korovai at the Ukrainian Museum in New York City. It features Larysa Zielyk, a renowned specialist in korovai baking and ornamentation, and Lubow Wolynetz, an expert in Ukrainian traditions and rituals from pre-christian times to the present. With detailed instruction and colorful commentary, this film captures an ancient art form for posterity and is a must-see for anyone interested in esoteric wedding customs.
Genocide Revealed exposes Moscow’s policy of genocide against the Ukrainian nation. The film focuses on the 1932-33 man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine engineered by Stalin’s regime against the rural population,and the accompanied decimation of the national elite and destruction of Ukraine’s historical past. It reveals one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century. Millions perished. Produced & directed by: Yurij Luhovy Narrator: Graham Greene Voice Over: Jill Hennessy & Lubomir Mykytiuk Music: Roman Luhovy Originally, Genocide Revealed had 75 min and won 12 International Awards. This educational version includes 2 different durations: 52min and 26min. A license is required from MML Inc. for any rental, television or internet broadcast, sale, reproduction, or public screening. If you are having an issue with a purchase, please contact
Genocide Revealed exposes Moscow’s policy of genocide against the Ukrainian nation. The film focuses on the 1932-33 man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine engineered by Stalin’s regime against the rural population,and the accompanied decimation of the national elite and destruction of Ukraine’s historical past. It reveals one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century. Millions perished. Winner of 12 International Awards. Produced & directed by: Yurij Luhovy Narrator: Graham Greene Voice Over: Jill Hennessy & Lubomir Mykytiuk Music: Roman Luhovy A license is required from MML Inc.for any rental, television or internet broadcast, sale, reproduction, or public screening. For home viewing only.
Freedom Had A Price (English Version) Before the First World War, 170,000 Ukrainians came to Canada seeking freedom and a better life. Thousands soon found themselves branded enemy aliens in 24 internment camps set up by the government. Freedom Had a Price tells the story. Between 1914 and 1920 about 80,000 Ukrainian immigrants were forced to register as enemy aliens, report regularly to the police and carry identity papers at all times. Over 5,000 were imprisoned in camps where the conditions were grim. Some died, many were sick or injured, and several were killed by guards while trying to escape. Archival footage, vintage photographs and the compelling testimony of survivors weave a human story hat has all but disappeared from public consciousness. The commentary of prominent historians such as Desmond Morton and Donald Avery contribute to this award-winning film. Producers: Yurij Luhovy and Don Haig (NFB) Directed and Edited by: Yurij Luhovy 55 min.
Bereza Kartuzka - tells the story of the infamous Polish concentration camp in which thousands of Ukrainian patriots were imprisoned between 1934 and 1939. The film examines the political situation in the Western Ukrainian territories under Polish occupation between the First and Second World Wars. Events are portrayed through rare archival footage, historical photographs and commentaries by prominent historians and scholars. Duration: 55 minutes. Produced, Directed, Edited by Yurij Luhovy Directed by: Yurij Luhovy Narrated by: Paul Almond Music by: Roman Luhovy (Link to Promo)